Moss Park and Regent Park celebrates storytelling and puppet building workshop series completion

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Moss Park and Regent Park celebrates storytelling and puppet building workshop series completion

By Fred Alvarado Fred is a community journalist with FOCUS MEDIA ARTS CENTRE

At 260 Queen St East (Moss Park Market), Regent Park and Moss Park community members gathered for a family-friendly event to celebrate the completion of a series of workshops in storytelling, songwriting, and puppet building in Regent Park and Moss Park. The workshop series hosted by Music for Climate Justice in partnership with YEA! Youth Enrichment Academy and Art Heart culminated in a parade through Regent Park, shared meal, and community party in collaboration with Building Roots. At the party, workshop participants were joined by professional artists to share their creations with the Regent Park and surrounding communities.
The event was co-hosted by puppeteer artist Laura Sharbell, Music for Climate Justice, Building Roots, and Friends of Regent Park.

The celebration had music, guest performers, storytelling, and puppets and it was moderated by Community members Cassie Norton and Sarah Abusarar.

Music for Climate Justice is a collective of musicians and creatives who share a love for the earth and a concern for the future of our planet. Their aim is to build community around Climate Justice through music. They do a number of community arts events, from hosting benefit shows, to organizing song circles to hosting workshop series. Music for Climate Justice are always looking for new ways to engage creatively in the conversation around climate justice, and always striving to reduce barriers for people to participate creatively and join the conversation.

Moss Park is one of Toronto’s largest public housing projects. It is situated in the poorest part of the city. The Salvation Army Hostel is located across the street from Moss Park at the corner of Sherbourne and Queen Street.


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Video Upload Date: August 17, 2023

FOCUS Media Arts Centre (FOCUS) is a not-for-profit organization that was established in 1990 to counter negative media stereotypes of low income communities and provide relevant information to residents living in the Regent Park area and surrounding communities.

We seek to empower marginalized individuals and under represented communities to have a voice, through the  use of professional training, mentorships and participatory based media practices that enable the sharing of stories, experiences and perspectives on relevant matters and issues. In brief our mandate is to empower marginalized individuals and under-serviced communities to have a voice and tell their own stories.


Moss Park (TO)

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