Who Does What for Children in Regent Park and the Whole World?

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Who Does What for Children in Regent Park and the Whole World?

By Fred Alvarado
Fred is a community journalist with FOCUS MEDIA ARTS CENTRE

Recently, International Child Press held a press conference at the Daniels Spectrum Community Living Room to announce their first ChildPress Publication in the Americas and to show their journalistic work about the 4th Urban Economy Forum press coverage in collaboration with children from the Regent Park community and the World Urban Pavilion in Regent Park – Powered by Daniels.

The press release was led by Julie Ward, Co-Chair of the World Urban Pavilion in Regent Park Steering Committee and 3 children from the Regent Park community, Mela, Ahmed, and Sarah who joined Childpress to cover the 4th Urban Economy Forum held in Regent Park on October 3-4, 2022.  They shared their experiences in reporting the 2-days event where they interviewed civic leaders, academics, urban developers, the private sector, and community members.

“We’ve just had our 4th Urban Economy Forum in Regent Park with over 250 speakers from 51 different countries and we had a really amazing project happening here, which is being a project where children came into our forum and interviewed world leaders, city leaders, city planners, ministers, researches, and experts to ask them really important hard questions and report on what this people are going to do for children. They are also making their very first newspaper published by International ChildPress that has ever happened on this continent, the Americas.” Said Julie Ward.

International ChildPress is a News Agency that delivers news content by children worldwide every day. They work in collaboration with local children to interview, report, create, publish and share their own publications and distribute them as wide as possible. In their publications, they follow decision makers who prioritize global issues topics related to safety, climate and access to education.



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Video Upload Date: November 9, 2022

FOCUS Media Arts Centre (FOCUS) is a not-for-profit organization that was established in 1990 to counter negative media stereotypes of low income communities and provide relevant information to residents living in the Regent Park area and surrounding communities.

We seek to empower marginalized individuals and under represented communities to have a voice, through the  use of professional training, mentorships and participatory based media practices that enable the sharing of stories, experiences and perspectives on relevant matters and issues. In brief our mandate is to empower marginalized individuals and under-serviced communities to have a voice and tell their own stories.


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