Elder and Former Chief Wayne Semaganis Speaks about the Spiritual Life and How to Follow the Right Path

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Elder and Former Chief Wayne Semaganis Speaks about the Spiritual Life and How to Follow the Right Path

Wayne Semaganis discusses the relationship between the Treaty signatories and the Crown, and how constant attention is needed to keep clarity about this relationship. He highlights the neglect of First Nations leadership by the Crown that needs to bee constantly reminded of this regarding this relationship. He was very disappointed to see that at the recent coronation of King Charles, there were few Treaty people, and that it was a sign of neglect from the Crown in England, which failed to make space and accommodate them. He also speaks of the legal issues at play and the disappointment that the First Nations leadership is not pushing to have this neglect addressed.

Wayne, a former chief, talks about the significance and responsibilities that come with wearing a headdress and the lack of understanding of its meaning among aboriginal leaders. He expresses concern about the lack of unity among tribes to address issues and the loss of treaty knowledge among young chiefs and counselors who were raised and educated in provincial schools. He believes that Indian chiefs have a sacred responsibility to their people, just like the king has a responsibility to his people. Canada's perception of the relationship with the crown is worrying for him, and he questions how much protection the Canadian Constitution offers. He expresses his frustration about the lack of implementation of the treaty rights under Section 35 and the interference of Canada in their governance system. He believes that Canada's oppression of their minorities makes them a hypocrite when lobbying the United Nations to sit on the Human Rights Commission, and that First Nations' leaders are not doing enough to represent their people. Wayne thinks that their past is not good and that they should do something to make the future better for all their people.

Wayne Semaganis speaks about the predictions made about Mother Earth cleansing itself and the signs that we are seeing of floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, and fires. He talks about how we were given the gift of cancer medicine and instructed that in the future, it will be of great benefit to the people. Wayne talks about how it's up to us to employ these gifts and how we should work with each other instead of criticizing or being critical of one another. Wayne worries about where our children will find Elders who can teach them about their path and warns against deviating from the path that the Creator put them all on.


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Video Upload Date: May 26, 2023

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