A Northern Alien Adventure Book Reading

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Schreiber Media Centre
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A Northern Alien Adventure Book Reading

Terry Bell launched his new book “A Northern Alien Adventure!” at a public reading at the Schreiber Public Library to an attentive crowd of children and adults.

If you are travelling through Terrace Bay, or really anywhere around the world, you might come across one of more than 2,000 little green wooden aliens that Terry has created over the years as a hobby. They can be spotted outside on people’s yards, looking out of their windows, on their door steps, and other quirky locations. It's these aliens that inspired Terry to write his book.

Terry, from Terrace Bay, collaborated with Tracy Barry an artist from Schreiber who provided the illustrations of the aliens as well as depicting nearby locations.

Back in 2016, Terry thought it would be fun to create these alien cut-outs after watching copious amounts of science fictions movies and TV shows. He also wanted a way to help his father-in-law, Ray stay active who was showing signs of Alzheimer’s disease. Each alien can take over an hour to make, has a unique name and number and Terry estimates he’s created over 2,200 of these little green aliens since 2017. These aliens have been appearing all along the north shore but they have also made their way all across Canada, Mexico and even Australia. 

Terry and Tracy will be reading their book at local schools and libraries. Copies of the book can be purchased for $15 at the Schreiber Public Library as well as the Voyager gift shop in Schreiber, Ontario. You can also contact Terry directly through the Northern Aliens Facebook page.

Terry hopes to continue to created thousands more of the beloved little aliens and hopes to see even more of them show up around the globe. You can post on the Northern Aliens Facebook page with your location and alien by your side!


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Video Upload Date: January 26, 2024

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