Metis Nation of Ontario Arts Council hosts series of arts crawls to bring Metis artists to public awareness

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Samantha Loney
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Metis Nation of Ontario Arts Council hosts series of arts crawls to bring Metis artists to public awareness

What is Metis art? “Art that is made by a Metis person,” was the simple answer I got from the president of the new Kooshkopayiw Metis Arts Council, George Simard. Tha name is fitting as Kooshkopayiw means “to awaken” in Michif. This is exactly what president Simard hopes to do with this newly formed arts council for artists in the Metis Nation of Ontario.

Kooshkopayiw began out of a need for grassroots Metis artists in Ontario to be seen by the greater arts community. With a lack of events in the province that celebrate Metis culture, the council hopes to bridge the gap between Metis artists and the provincial arts community with a series of arts crawls. The first art crawl will take place in Region 7 on April 27 in Gravenhurst at the Muskoka Discovery Centre from 9am to 4pm. This event will showcase the talent of Metis artists of all ages that span across disciplines, allowing the public to come out and learn what Metis art is. The need for an increase of Metis representation is vital for the community, not only to share culture, but art is often a source of income for Metis people, whether it be traditional floral beadwork or painting.

To say art is important to Metis people would be an understatement. Metis leader Louis Riel once said, “My people will sleep for 100 years, but it is the artists who will give them their spirit back.” That is exactly what the new Metis Nation of Ontario’s Art Council hopes to do.

 If you are a Metis artist looking to showcase your work at this event, region 7 citizens are encouraged to reach out to their local councils. If you are hoping to attend the event, it is open to the public and everyone is welcome.  


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Video Upload Date: February 11, 2024

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