RVH Gifted Sash by Barrie South Simcoe Metis Council

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Samantha Loney
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RVH Gifted Sash by Barrie South Simcoe Metis Council

The Barrie South Simcoe Metis Council honoured the Royal Victoria hospital with a sash during a Sash Gifting Ceremony on February 14, 2024 to commemorate the ongoing collaboration between the Barrie Council and the hospital. Sacred Four Directions, a women’s drum group, started off the ceremony in a good way with a welcoming song while councillor for the Barrie South Simcoe Metis Council, preformed the smudge before giving a teaching on the Metis Sash explaining, “like the sash, we are woven together as a community.” Although the Sash has historical significance and many different uses, the Sash will be put on display in the RVH to show Metis people they are welcome and represented in the healthcare system.

The RVH  recently collaborated with the Barrie Council during a breast cancer awareness event last year. The event was held in collaboration with the hospitals Indigenous Patient Services to share Metis specific supports available to patients of the hospital. The Indigenous Patient Services, which originally started for cancer patients, has extended their availability to all Indigenous patients seeking cultural supports, and advocacy, along with community resources and healing supports. The sash ceremony is to not only celebrate the past collaboration between the Metis Council, but to encourage a continuing partnership to provide citizens with supports and workshops.

We spoke to Arlene Merkley, the Women’s Rep for the Barrie South Simcoe Metis Council, who planned the sash ceremony, who tells us she is already in talks to hold future culturally relevant events for Metis citizens in the region.

If you would like to learn more about the Indigenous Patient Services available at the RVH, you can email IndigenousTeam@on.rvh.ca.


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Video Upload Date: February 18, 2024

Simcoe Community Media is a non-profit media organization based in Barrie, Ontario, specializing in civic journalism. Our mission is to foster an informed, connected, and vibrant community by amplifying diverse voices and perspectives, promoting transparency, and encouraging public discourse.

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