Empowering Halifax's Youth: The Mission of 902ManUp

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Empowering Halifax's Youth: The Mission of 902ManUp

In 2016, 902ManUp emerged in Halifax, Nova Scotia, with a bold mission: to address violence among young black males while fostering community, education, and economic opportunities.

Recently, the organization welcomed Mr. Colter Simmonds as its new director of Youth and Community Engagement. With a background in coaching and a deep commitment to community upliftment, Simmonds brings a fresh perspective to 902ManUp's initiatives.

Simmonds emphasizes the importance of grassroots efforts and community involvement in tackling the challenges faced by young men in Halifax. He believes in listening to the voices of constituents and incorporating their feedback into the organization's strategies.

One of the key focuses for 902ManUp under Simmonds' leadership is providing support services for youth involved with the law or experiencing homelessness. The organization is committed to offering practical assistance without bureaucratic constraints, ensuring that immediate needs are met effectively.

Looking ahead, Simmonds envisions 902ManUp expanding its reach across Nova Scotia, extending support to black communities in various aspects of their lives. He emphasizes resilience and excellence within the black community, advocating for celebration and recognition throughout the year.

In an effort to unite and uplift the community, 902ManUp invites everyone to participate in their upcoming event, Follow The Drums. This celebration of black culture and resilience aims to showcase black excellence and foster a sense of unity among community members.

As 902ManUp continues to grow and evolve under Simmonds' leadership, the organization remains dedicated to empowering Halifax's youth and creating a stronger, more vibrant community for generations to come.


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Video Upload Date: February 26, 2024

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