The Carr Brothers - Ep 95 "Poles and Polls"

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The Carr Brothers - Ep 95 "Poles and Polls"

Week Two of "The Carr Brothers" brings New Brunswick's political landscape to the forefront, as two of the brothers (Jeff and Jody) dive into the heart of the province's pressing issues. Join the brothers as they tackle the pulse of Fredericton in their latest episode, "Poles and Polls."

The Carr Brothers, bring their unique perspectives to the forefront. With Jeff, the former Minister of Transportation, offering expertise on infrastructure challenges, and his brother adding a fresh take on national politics, their engaging discussions captivate both local and out-of-province viewers.

In this episode, the spotlight shines on the controversial "Fredericton Pole," a hot topic buzzing through social media and community conversations. Jeff, drawing from his experience, sheds light on the intricate coordination required to address the situation, emphasizing the complexity of relocating the infrastructure embedded in a traffic roundabout. The show then transitions into a thoughtful analysis of national political polls, providing viewers with insights into the current state of Justin Trudeau's leadership.

The setting is Fredericton, the heart of New Brunswick, where the brothers navigate through the city's political landscape, offering an intimate look at local concerns and their ripple effects on a national scale.

Discover the 'why' behind local and national issues with The Carr Brothers. Whether it's shedding light on infrastructure challenges or dissecting the political climate, their perspectives provide clarity, fostering an informed community. The episode concludes with a spotlight on significant local events, such as MP Jenica Atwin's Parliamentary Breakfast and the swearing-in of Mayor Len Falconer, urging the community to share their upcoming events, like the Nov 25 breakfast and crafts at the Geary Lions Center.

"The Carr Brothers" is not just a show; it's a platform for dialogue, understanding, and community engagement. Don't miss the chance to stay informed and connected with the political heartbeat of New Brunswick.


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Video Upload Date: March 12, 2024

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