PCMNO Candidate Wants to Heal Relationship Between MNO and First Nations Communities

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Samantha Loney
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PCMNO Candidate Wants to Heal Relationship Between MNO and First Nations Communities

Ron LePage, a descendant of Drummond Islanders, has been serving as Chair for the Georgian Bay Metis Council for six years, and now hopes to take the next steps to serve all Metis Citizens in Ontario as Vice Chair of the PCMNO.

During a conversation with Ron on the campaign trail, he notes that his background in nursing, and serving on the complaints committee with the College of Nurses of Ontario, will be an asset to him as vice chair as a main part of the role is assisting with conflict resolution within the Metis Nation of Ontario.

Ron also hopes to be the one to help the MNO extend an olive branch to our First Nations cousins who have been in opposition to Bill C-53. “We as a nation need to encourage open communication channels between MNO leaders, community council leaders, Metis citizens and our First Nation counterparts to help build trust and find common ground,” says LePage.

Ron admits the relationship will take time and patience, but understands the tremendous value a healed relationship with our First Nations cousins will be for the Metis Nation.

LePage also wants to encourage more participation from Metis citizens during the construction of our constitution as we continue forward with self government. “As Vice Chair, I will advocate that the MNO conducts town hall zoom meetings in every region to engage as many citizens as possible in the process of developing strategies to get Bill C 53 through the third reading and the Senate hearing process," vows LePage.

Voting for the PCMNO election takes place from April 8 to May 6.


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Video Upload Date: April 13, 2024

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