Georgian Bay Metis Council President Wants MNO Support to Address Boundary Issues

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Samantha Loney
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Georgian Bay Metis Council President Wants MNO Support to Address Boundary Issues

A hot topic during this PCMNO election for region 7, has been the boundary changes that were put into effect last summer. These changes saw residents in both Barrie, Collingwood and Georgian Bay effected. As president of the Georgian Bay Metis Council, and candidate for Region 7 Councillor, Greg Garret offers his solutions.

“Before we can sit and talk about redrawing the existing council boundaries, we must first get MNO supports in the way of GIS mapping and registry information on citizens not connected to any council,” says Garrat.

GBMC President Garratt would rather get citizens in region 7 that are outside catchment areas brought in before he looks at changing boundaries between the existing councils.

Garratt also suggests bringing in citizens of not only the Barrie South Simcoe Council and Georgian Bay Council, but all citizens in region 7 to discuss the solutions.

“If citizens have any complaints about the way the MNO is running, or any ideas on how to make it better, they need to be engaged, because those that do engage will be how leadership determines what the community wants," says Garratt.

As for solutions to getting more citizens involved in cultural activities, Garratt suggests the answer could be in applying for regional grants that have the four councils in region 7 working together.

“We need the capacity for that, and what we have right now is what we have from proponents, which is minimal”, says Garratt.

Voting in the PCMNO elections is open until May 6th. Any MNO citizen above the age of 16 is eligible to vote. 


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Video Upload Date: April 21, 2024

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