PCMNO Candidate Wants to Forgo Gossip and Focus on Metis Citizens Needs

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Samantha Loney
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PCMNO Candidate Wants to Forgo Gossip and Focus on Metis Citizens Needs

Marc Mantha has been participating in civics and politics for the past 20 years, and with that has been no stranger to the adversity and gossip that comes with it. During the recent All Candidates Meeting, Mantha was asked about the recent suspension of his council for which he was President, the Moon River Metis Council, and his removal under Article 27. 

“I'm a big fan of transparency and the new era of leadership. Skip the gossip and walk with me,” says Mantha, who has asked citizens to reach out to him directly for any concerns they have with his leadership.

The suspension has seen the Moon River charter suspended, hindering citizens and council’s access to services for the catchment area. Discussions about next steps for Moon River will continue within the PCMNO after the election.

Mantha says his removal was due to a lack of governance training. He has since received that training and is ready to move into the role of Region 7 Councilor if elected.

“It's about people over politics, and it's a focus on positive change and moving forward all together,” says Mantha.

During a recent Candidate Social held at the Georgian Bay Metis Council, all Candidates for region 7 councillors were in attendance to speak with voters. According to Mantha, the event was much more of a roundtable discussion than a campaign stop. Candidates were able to sit around together and discuss solutions to the issues facing Metis citizens in Region 7.

“There we were all together, problem solving before even being elected. That's my kind of Metis Nation,” says Mantha.

Voting for the PCMNO election is open until May 6th. Any Metis Nation of Ontario citizen above the age of 16 is eligible to vote.


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Video Upload Date: April 22, 2024

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