SDP Planning Comittee Meeting April 18 2024

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Focus Media Arts centre
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SDP Planning Comittee Meeting April 18 2024

Key Takeaways from the April 18 Planning Committee Meeting

Written by: Lawrence Rodriguez
Lawrence Rodriguez is a youth journalist for FOCUS Media Art Centre

On April 18th, just a few days after the prior virtual meeting, the Planning Committee held another virtual meeting among stakeholders to further discuss the plans, and agenda concerning the strategic direction of the organization. Unlike the meeting on April 11th, which primarily focused on broader administrative matters, this meeting focused on the specifics of agenda items such as the preparation for the upcoming April 25th Stakeholder's Table meeting, the Strategic Planning Task Force activities, and funding requests.

This time led by Walied Khogali Ali and Joel Klassen, other agenda items discussed in this meeting included the approval process of presentation slides, the proposal of dates for more meetings to discuss strategic planning, and the confirmation of important volunteer roles to allocate for management of catering and the registration table. Valuable insights and updates came from Michael Rosenburg on the status of the Strategic Task Force's progress, highlighting efforts to construct consultant reports and plan upcoming future engagements.

The results of these meetings were aimed to ensure the seamless execution of upcoming events with the collective efforts of both the Planning Committee and the Stakeholder's Table by ensuring and encouraging open dialogue among the meeting attendees to promote collective problem-solving, the exchange of ideas and solutions to realigned efforts and common objectives.

Overall, the meeting was insightful and productive in preparation for future meetings, and members of this meeting stand more confident and determined in the future of Regent Park, acknowledging the importance of community engagement and collaboration to drive change and foster a bright and inclusive future for the neighbourhood.



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Video Upload Date: May 1, 2024

Focus Media Arts (anciennement Regent Park Focus) est un organisme à but non lucratif qui a été créé en 1990 pour contrer les stéréotypes négatifs sur la communauté de Regent Park et fournir des interventions aux jeunes à haut risque vivant dans la région.

Nous sommes motivés par la conviction que les pratiques médiatiques participatives peuvent jouer un rôle vital pour répondre aux besoins locaux et aux priorités de développement, ainsi que pour soutenir le travail de construction et de maintien de communautés saines.

Aujourd'hui, le centre des arts médiatiques FOCUS sert de centre d'apprentissage communautaire pour les nouveaux médias, les arts numériques et la radiodiffusion et la télévision. Nous fournissons un établissement communautaire dédié à la formation et au mentorat des jeunes et à l'engagement des membres de la communauté de tous âges.

Regent Park (TO)

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