Challenges to Internationally Educated Health-Care Professionals

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Challenges to Internationally Educated Health-Care Professionals

Healthcare staffing is a global problem right now. In Canada, about nine percent of nurses and 26 percent of physicians make up the internationally educated health workers. Over the past year, provinces have introduced incentives to recruit more, including Targeted immigration streams. However, up to 47 percent of those nurses and doctors do not work in the professions they are trained in.

Some find their qualifications and language skills don't meet Canada's requirements. For others, lengthy and expensive licensing and registration processes can delay their ability to work in their field, sometimes for years.

Marco Pena, president of the Philippine Nurses Association of Manitoba, explains the challenges to internationally educated health-care professionals (IEHPs), including nurses, when seeking licensure and employment in Manitoba, Canada.

Some of these challenges include:

  • Credential Recognition: One of the primary challenges for IEHPs is having their educational credentials recognized in Manitoba. The regulatory body for nursing, the College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba (CRNM), evaluates international credentials to ensure they meet Canadian standards. This process can be lengthy and require additional education or exams to bridge gaps.
  • Language Proficiency: IEHPs must demonstrate proficiency in English or French to practice in Manitoba. They may need to pass language proficiency exams such as the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or the Canadian English Language Benchmark Assessment for Nurses (CELBAN).
  • Clinical Competency Assessment: In addition to meeting educational requirements, IEHPs may need to undergo a clinical competency assessment to demonstrate their ability to practice safely and effectively in the Canadian healthcare system. This assessment may involve written exams, clinical simulations, and supervised clinical practice.
  • Work Experience Requirements: Some employers in Manitoba may require IEHPs to have Canadian work experience, which can be challenging for newcomers. IEHPs may face a "catch-22" situation where they need Canadian experience to get a job but can't get Canadian experience without a job.
  • Cultural Adjustment: Moving to a new country involves adapting to a different culture, healthcare system, and work environment. IEHPs may experience cultural shock and need support to navigate these adjustments successfully.
  • Financial Challenges: The process of credential recognition, language testing, and licensure can be expensive, and IEHPs may face financial barriers to completing these requirements. Additionally, IEHPs may struggle to find employment while waiting for licensure, leading to financial strain.
  • Limited Support Services: While some organizations and programs support IEHPs in Manitoba, such as bridging programs and mentorship initiatives, these resources may be limited in availability or capacity.
  • Professional Integration: Once licensed, IEHPs may face challenges finding suitable employment matching their skills and experience. They may encounter biases or discrimination in the hiring process and barriers to career advancement.

Addressing these challenges requires collaboration among regulatory bodies, healthcare institutions, educational institutions, government agencies, and community organizations. Efforts to streamline the credential recognition process, improve access to language training and clinical assessments, expand support services for newcomers, and promote diversity and inclusion in the healthcare workforce can help facilitate the successful integration of IEHPs in Manitoba.


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Video Upload Date: May 1, 2024

U Multicultural is the ethnocultural media channel established with the objective of serving the diverse communities and contributing to the dynamic multicultural identity of Manitoba and Canada by offering accessible multi-ethnic television and radio services that offer information programming and other high-quality programming focused on ethnocultural communities of Canada.


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