Infrastructure Upgrades and Zoning Discussions Dominate Saint Andrews Town Council Meeting

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Infrastructure Upgrades and Zoning Discussions Dominate Saint Andrews Town Council Meeting

The first regular council meeting for the month of April 2024 for the Town of St. Andrews took place on April 2nd, 2024 in the WC O'Neill Arena Council Chambers. The meeting featured presentations from various speakers, updates on significant endeavours such as the Van Horne Trail extension and proposals for new developments within the municipality. 

Samantha Halloran, a waste management planner with Dylan Consulting, presented on the Environmental Trust Fund project, specifically the Organic Compost Study. Dylan Consulting was retained in December 2023 by the Town of St Andrews to complete an organics compost feasibility study. Halloran recommended implementing a curbside collection program to optimize organics diversion and bolster the town's environmental objectives, emphasizing the significance of sustainable waste management practices.

While council was impressed by the presentation, cost ultimately was one of the biggest hurdles to adopting curbside pick-up composting for the community. 

"The biggest challenge we'll have to overcome is the fact that it's a cost, right? At the end of the day, I know that there is a social responsibility and benefits of that. But when you look at your annual budget, this will actually cause you to have to up rates--whatever the model--something has to pay for this," said Mayor Brad Henderson. 

Councillor Kurt Gumushel said perhaps it would be more efficient and cost effective if there was a regional approach to composting that could be overseen by the Southwest New Brunswick Service Commission for the Charlotte County area.

The next presenter, coincidentally, was Charlene Hatt, Regional Director of the SNBSC. Hatt presented an overview of the inaugural 2024 Southwest Business Summit, which will take place in St. Andrews, June 26th to 28th, at the Algonquin Resort. The summit aims to foster economic growth and networking opportunities in the Southwest region, attracting business leaders, entrepreneurs, and service providers to showcase the town as a hub for arts, culture and business.

"The intent is to bring a world-class learning and networking opportunities to the Southwest region business community, but also to promote the region as a great place to come and do business and a great place to visit to the rest of New Brunswick and Atlantic Canada," said Hatt.

After presentations, council went forward with agenda items. Councillors Bennett and Neil proposed awarding a contract to Cahill Technologies for the installation of self-cleaning water filters. Councillor Bennett further highlighted the impact of the Van Horne Trail extension, noting that it will provide enhanced recreational opportunities and promote outdoor activities in the community.

Council also discussed a re-zoning application from The Wee Fabric Shop in order to relocate from Market Square in the heart of the business district to Prince of Wales Street, which is a mix of business and residential-use properties. Concerns were raised about the potential impact of new developments on traffic patterns and infrastructure, with Councillor Kurt Gumushel stressing the importance of aligning changes with the town's long-term vision. .

Other topics of significance that were addressed, including proposed changes to the town's brush pickup program. The shift from a drop-off system to a monthly front-yard pickup service was discussed to enhance safety, prevent improper dumping, and streamline the process for residents and town workers. Councillors engaged in thoughtful deliberations regarding the adjustments, with support voiced for the pilot program's potential benefits to the community.


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Video Upload Date: April 16, 2024

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