Climate Action Changing Culture

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Climate Action Changing Culture

Harrison Seeley - Local Journalism Initiative

Climate action is an initiative that affects at a micro and macro scale. Citizens across Eastern Ontario are taking proactive steps towards climate action and post-COVID recovery. Among them are two individuals, Rebecca Cragg and Laura Peck, local artists who exemplify the power of community-driven initiatives.

Laura Peck, owner of an eco-friendly bed and breakfast, emphasizes the importance of individual responsibility in combating climate change. She views climate action as a collective endeavor, driven by the mindset to protect what we cherish. "I want to be a responsible citizen," says Peck. "We are extremely powerful. We just have to have the mindset to protect what we have, what we love, and we all have things or places or people we love and care for."

Peck's words resonate deeply in the context of post-COVID recovery, where communities are navigating the intertwined challenges of environmental sustainability and economic revitalization. As regions strive to rebuild in the aftermath of the pandemic, there is a growing recognition of the need to prioritize green initiatives and resilient infrastructure.

Rebecca Cragg, a recent resident of Rockland, Ontario, found herself facing the threat of flooding due to her home's proximity to the waterfront. In response, she took matters into her own hands, developing an environmentally conscious solution to mitigate the risk of flooding. The method to curb flooding on the waterfront had been left up to volunteers sandbagging the riverbank and damming the houses near the water. Her innovative approach not only safeguards her property but also contributes to the broader effort of climate resilience in the community. “And just by doing a small berm, maybe about six inches tall, we were able to stop a great amount of water on our property, which even my adjacent neighbors were completely flooded.” Cragg hopes her method will be adopted if and when the next flood or storm occurs.

From sustainable housing solutions to eco-friendly businesses, individuals like Cragg and Peck exemplify the grassroots efforts driving climate action at the local level. Their initiatives not only mitigate environmental risks but also foster community resilience and promote a greener future for generations to come.

As Eastern Ontario continues its journey towards climate resilience and post-COVID recovery, the contributions of citizens like Cragg and Peck serve as a testament to the power of collective action. By harnessing innovation, determination, and a shared commitment to sustainability, communities can overcome adversity and build a brighter, more sustainable future for all.



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Video Upload Date: March 27, 2024

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