Rosedale Council: Getting Mired in the Details

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Rosedale Council: Getting Mired in the Details

In addition to several public hearings, this month the Rosedale Council welcomes a delegation from the Planning district to discuss policy revisions and a new telecommunications tower, as well as from Agassiz, MLA Jodie Byram to have a conversation about municipal needs.

The issue of the erection of a new antenna tower near Eden has seen some resistance from nearby residents and there are also some questions about the decision-making process involved, especially since there is a lot of specialised language involved in discussing the issue even at the municipal level. What is happening at this particular meeting of Council, is that they are approving the representative of the Planning District to sign what is called a letter of concurrence on their behalf. The planning district and municipality’s role in signing this letter of concurrence is not to approve or disapprove of the specific decisions made by the company in question but to affirm that they believe the procedure set out by the ISED was followed.

Road maintenance is once again a hot topic at the meeting. The municipality currently has an agreement with the province to maintain the provincial roads within their boundaries, however the cost of that maintenance is exceeding the amount that they are receiving from the Province. The Province is offering a new grant to help compensate, and Council will be revisiting the agreement.

MLA Jodie Byram visits Council to hear their concerns and talk about what she might be able to do for them in her new role in the provincial legislature. Council brings forward the landfill issues they have been facing and the competing environmental concerns about additional landfill cells versus trucking waste great distances, as well as the increase in rural crime, particularly theft from farmyards.

After several other fairly routine items, the meeting concludes with an equipment discussion around graders and grader blades that gets a little lost in the minutia but shows an interesting diversity of opinions on the subject.

Also covered at this meeting are the 2024 tax sale, requests for donations, the aggregate bylaw, resource mapping, status of and funding for Kelwood community skating rink, first aid training, and upcoming development agreements.



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Video Upload Date: April 13, 2024

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