Louis Riel Day Observed Across Manitoba including Neepawa

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Louis Riel Day Observed Across Manitoba including Neepawa

The back half of February marks a lot of events to commemorate Louis Riel Day in Manitoba, but before we get there, this week on News & Views we travel to ArtsForward to talk to the artist of the current exhibit in the Manawaka Gallery.

Cheryl Kunzelman, though she lives in Winnipeg now, has deep roots in the Neepawa area. It’s those roots and memories that have inspired her show “Captured Reflections”. While Kunzelman did art as a child, there were two factors that brought her back to it as an adult. The first was Covid, which required her to create a homeschool classroom space. When schools reopened, she suddenly had an ideal studio space in her home. The other was the progression of her MS, which has been keeping her closer to home. Captured Reflections is a collection of portraits and nature scenes that reflect her memories and experiences in the area.

On Louis Riel Day, February 19, Manitoba Premier Wab Kinew alongside David Chartrand, President of the Manitoba Métis Federation, unveiled a portrait of Louis Riel to hang in the Manitoba Legislature. The first bill that Kinew’s government passed when they came to power was to recognise Louis Riel as Manitoba’s first Premier.

“We know that Mr. Riel not only served that important role, but also his rights that he articulated set forth the vision for our province of Manitoba,” said Kinew. “A vision of equality, a vision where people have the right to speak French and speak other minority languages, that recognised Indigenous rights, and really, at the end of the day, recognised the ability of all of us to live here together on these lands and to make the most of our full potential. So that's Riel's vision, and I'd like to think as we go further into the future, each day we're getting closer to realising Riel's vision."

Closer to home, Neepawa celebrated Louis Riel Day with its annual Winter Festival, which had a great turnout according to Recreation Director Nicole Cooper. This year the festival was moved from the holiday Monday to Sunday afternoon and evening to take advantage of the later-day darkness for glow trails and fireworks.

Full Program:
00:00 Introduction
02:29 Cheryl Kunzelman "Captured Reflections" gallery opening reception
12:48 Louis Riel Portrait Unveiling
18:46 Skate the Lake and Rock the Lake
23:51 Neepawa Winter Festival



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Video Upload Date: April 26, 2024

As Neepawa and area’s local access television station, NACTV has been serving the community since 1977. The station is a community-owned not-for-profit organisation that broadcasts 24 hours a day and reaches homes throughout Manitoba and Canada on Bell ExpressVu 592, MTS Channel 30/1030, and WCG 117 as well as streaming online at nactv.tv.

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Neepawa is located in western Manitoba, about two hours west of Winnipeg and 45 minutes southeast of Riding Mountain National Park.


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