Manitoba's Rosedale Council Seeks to Streamline Administrative Processes

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Manitoba's Rosedale Council Seeks to Streamline Administrative Processes

This month the RM of Rosedale restated their intent to implement a system to budget for and assess community donation requests rather than trying to handle them individually at each monthly meeting. This could potentially also include guaranteed base funding for community centres or recreation facilities, and would also allow for implementing a reporting system to ensure that funds are being spent as intended. They are looking to start in the 2025 budget year, to give the CAO and Council time to build the system.

A delegation to propose a new recreation facility in Neepawa on a 15- to 20-year timeline visited Council to outline their hopes for the facility and where it potentially could go. Right now they are looking to ensure that everyone who has a stake in a new facility, including municipal councils adjacent to Neepawa, is at the table at the planning stages.

Council dealt with a couple of water bill issues and additionally is undergoing a process to study water utility rates and ensure that they are adequate. Any increase to rates must be approved by the Public Utilities Board. The last rate study was done in 2019.

For some time Council has also been seeking out clay to be used to line a new landfill. Tests that have been done on municipal property have not been successful. Instead, Council will put out a tender for the volume of clay that it needs, and would be happy to purchase from a local source provided they have had their own testing done and it meets the requirements. They also note that there is a market for clay outside of the municipality as well, which might incentivize some local residents to have theirs tested.

Council also welcomed a delegation from Crown Lands and Conservation for an in-camera discussion.



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Soumis par SusanAdmin le dim 28/04/2024 - 18:17

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Video Upload Date: April 5, 2024

As Neepawa and area’s local access television station, NACTV has been serving the community since 1977. The station is a community-owned not-for-profit organisation that broadcasts 24 hours a day and reaches homes throughout Manitoba and Canada on Bell ExpressVu 592, MTS Channel 30/1030, and WCG 117 as well as streaming online at

NACTV’s content is primarily filmed and produced by local volunteers and focuses on issues, activities, achievements, sports, and news by, about, and of interest to our community.  

Neepawa is located in western Manitoba, about two hours west of Winnipeg and 45 minutes southeast of Riding Mountain National Park.


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