"Life on Gabriola: Refections on Heath & Wellbeing," Eps. 3 & 4: "Laughter & Weeds" and "Giving and Growing"

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Station ID by Ray Appel
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"Life on Gabriola: Refections on Heath & Wellbeing," Eps. 3 & 4: "Laughter & Weeds" and "Giving and Growing"

Life on Gabriola TV brings you a double dose of this fun and thoughtful series about aging well, whatever your age. Created by our partner organization, People for a Healthy Community (PHC), "Life on Gabriola: Reflections on Health and Well-being" features a range of islanders, from kids to elders, sharing their wisdom and advice on the subject of growing up and growing older.

In Episode 3, "Laughter and Weeds . .  The Best Medicine," Kanien'kehá:ka/Lenape/Scottish-descended Gabriolan Lisa Webster shares her knowledge of traditional plants and foods learned from her Grandma Ruby Moses and local herbalist Heather McLeod. Featured plants include Cleavers, Brook Mint, and Lavender, each offering unique flavours and health benefits. She also shares a preferred tea blend of lemon balm, lavender, and Brook Mint, suitable for both hot and cold consumption.

The episode delves into the creation story of the Haudenosaunee people, highlighting the significance of the "Three Sisters" crops: corn, beans, and squash. The discussion also extends to foraging practices, cautioning against consuming unknown plants and emphasizing the importance of research before venturing into the wilderness.

In Episode 4, "Giving and Growing," PHC's Garden Program Coordinator Rachel Dubois remarks on the joy that comes from working with youth and connecting different generations on Gabriola. She also notes the profound impact of such communal involvement on mental health, emphasizing the transformative effect of feeling part of something larger than one's immediate circumstances.

Special thanks to PHC videographer Sharon Kravitz and Executive Director Brenda Fowler. Visit People for a Healthy Community at https://www.phcgabriola.org/ or on its Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/peopleforahealthycommunity.

Life on Gabriola TV is generously sponsored by:

The Gabriola Arts Council https://artsgabriola.ca/

The Haven, Gabriola Island https://haven.ca/


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Video Upload Date: November 27, 2023

Based on Gabriola Island, one of the Gulf Islands in the Salish Sea of BC, Life on Gabriola TV provides programming for Gabriolans, by Gabriolans. We cover events and issues in our own community, including adjacent islands, and in the Salish Sea region generally.

Gabriola Island and area

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