Empowering Voices: Freedom of Speech and Civic Engagement in Vancouver, BC

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Empowering Voices: Freedom of Speech and Civic Engagement in Vancouver, BC

The significance of freedom of speech and the right to self-expression extends beyond individual liberties, playing a key part in shaping the community of Vancouver, BC, and all of Canada. These fundamental rights empower us to exercise our civic responsibilities, contributing to the planning and decision-making processes within our community.

Freedom of speech is crucial for the Iranian community, enabling individuals to share their thoughts and contribute to discussions openly. It promotes inclusivity, and democratic participation, and empowers community members to address concerns, shaping policies that impact their lives in their adopted country.

In a recent interview conducted by TV hosts Poran Poregbal and Samira Gholami, philosopher and university professor Babak Nourouzi shed light on the historical evolution of freedom of speech.

Babak emphasized its origins as a counterforce to supremacy and dictatorship, illustrating how sharing power has progressively allowed a broader spectrum of voices to be heard.

The conversation delved into the nuanced aspects of practicing freedom of speech, prompting inquiries about its limitations and the responsibilities associated with it. Recognizing that freedom is not an absolute right, Babak highlighted the importance of respecting boundaries, limitations, and regulations to safeguard everyone's rights. This perspective becomes particularly crucial in immigrant communities, where individuals may not fully comprehend the avenues available for expressing opinions respectfully.

Discussing this in the context of Vancouver, Poran and Samira cited examples of governmental efforts to engage the public in discussions about rules and regulations affecting daily life. Babak underscored that active community participation, coupled with an awareness of rights, is vital for shaping decisions and enhancing policies to be inclusive.

The discussion also touched upon recent developments, such as the BC government's encouragement of all communities to engage in conversations about the Anti-Racism Legislation. Poran emphasized the need to address barriers and fears hindering individuals, especially new immigrants, from freely expressing their opinions, citing concerns rooted in past stories of censorship.

Babak stressed the importance of democratic participation, advocating for activities like voting, joining political parties, establishing NGOs, and engaging with officials. He elucidated the Canadian voting system, encouraging not only citizens but also new immigrant communities to actively participate in shaping their adopted home.

Poran and Samira shared examples of effective communication methods, whether virtual or in person, emphasizing the significance of a respectful dialogue style to exercise freedom of speech.

In summary, the conversation explored how freedom of speech manifests in various community spheres, providing individuals with opportunities to actively participate and express their ideas, and fostering a more vibrant and inclusive civic life in Canada and Vancouver, BC.



Babak Nourouzi : Philosopher and university professor


Volunteer Hosts:

Poran Poregbal MA, RSW, RCC Doctoral Candidate in Counselling and Psychotherapy

Samira Gholami, BA, MA Candidate Psychotherapist, Co-Founder, Director of Operations Member of (CCPA)


Producer and Journalist:

Sherry Soltani

Skyrise Media Society


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Video Upload Date: February 8, 2024

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