The La Pêche Council says "no" to new permits for short-term rentals

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The La Pêche Council says "no" to new permits for short-term rentals

-A course in ethics for municipal councillors

-Waste management contract given to Location Martin-Lalonde Inc.

On the agenda of the municipal council of La Pêche at its last meeting before the holidays were: short term rentals; tree felling; code of ethics for elected officials; the municipal infrastructure plan for 2022 including waste management; and three minor variance requests.

On short term rentals, the council tabled a motion to extend the moratorium on new permits until there is a complete overhaul of the zoning bylaw. Only those permit requests already being processed – or renewal requests of permits in good standing – will be considered.

As part of that same motion, tree felling is banned in all cases except for a long list of exceptions which includes most anything aside from commercial logging.

Both of these files fall under draft regulationRCI-01-2021, which is scheduled to be passed at the next council meeting on January 17th.

The councillors unanimously adopted the proposed code of ethics, which will require them to attend training in ethics in municipal affairs.

There was only one submission to the request for proposals for waste management services. It has been awarded to Location Martin-Lalonde Inc. at a cost of $2 295 000 per annum, and will include the new compost program. Martin-Lalonde currently provides waste management services to Cantley and other municipalities.

Of the three minor variance requests two were rejected and one, at 89 chemin Mahon Sud, was accepted with minor modifications.

The next municipal council meeting will be held via Zoom on January 17th. Community members are encouraged to attend and may ask questions in the language of their choice. Questions may also be submitted in writing ahead of time to a councillor.

Gillian Kirkland, journalist


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Video Upload Date: January 14, 2022

La Pêche Media was founded in 2020 to offer community-led video journalism, by and for the citizens of the region. Based at the Centre Wakefield La Pêche, we are pleased to offer inclusive, participatory journalism in one of the most beautiful and culturally rich regions of the country.


La Pêche Média a été fondée en 2020 pour offrir du journalisme vidéo communautaire, par et pour les citoyens de la région. Basées au Centre Wakefield La Pêche, nous sommes heureux d'offrir un journalisme inclusif et participatif dans l'une des régions les plus belles et culturellement riches du pays.

La Peche

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